Cyrus Tang
Cyrus Tang's practice reflects sentiment of nostalgia through translation of disappearance into remembrance and fantasy. It reflects her examination of the paradox of reconstructing ephemeral mental images and sensations in permanent materials. Born in Hong Kong, Cyrus (Wai-kuen) Tang moved to Australia in 2003 and is based in Melbourne. She finished her Degree (Hons) of Fine Arts at Victoria College of the Arts, Melbourne in 2004, and her Master of Fine Arts (Research) in Monash University, Melbourne in 2009.
Cyrus has engaged in many international residency programmes including Helsinki International Artist Program 2013, The National Art Studio in South Korea in 2012, Cite International de Arts, Paris in 2009 and The Banff Centre, Canada in 2008. Her work has been exhibited in Australia and various countries including Helsinki, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, France, Shanghai and Sweden. She is the recipient of the Skills and Arts Development 2011 and New Work (Emerging) Grant 2009 of Australian Council for the Arts, George Mora Foundation Fellowship 2008, Theodor Urback Encouragement Award 2004, and The National Gallery of Victoria-Trustee Award 2003.
“The Georges Mora Fellowship gave me the opportunity to develop my art practice and explore new directions. Support from the State Library of Victoria provided me with the time, space and resources to conduct my research and review my art practice. The residency at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris has been invaluable to my art career in that it encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and to draw inspiration from new environments. It also has greatly helped me build my networks.” - Cyrus Tang

Cyrus TANG, Crystal Day, strawberry and crystal, dimension variable, 2013
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.

Cyrus TANG, Unknown, C-Print, 150 x 100 cm, 2012
This project was developed during the Australia-Korea Reciprocal Residency 2012. Australia-Korea Reciprocal Residency 2012 is a partnership of Artspace, National Art Studio, Korea and Asialink. It is supported by the Australian Government through the Australia-Korea Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.